solid state integrateds that will hold their value

I HATE losing a lot of $$$ when the bug hits me to try something new so I like to purchase gear that is not only reliable but holds its value well long term (and of course sounds good!).

Two on my short list are:

Jeff Rowland Concentra I or II
YBA Passion

Mac's also seem to remain pretty stable in pricing but i have actually never HEARD one. Comments/comparisons of sound etc welcome.


Good choice with the Rowland - as you probably noticed since you mentioned it, they hold their value. I bought a version 'I' back in 1999 for $3k, sold it for $3k a couple years later, and they still get about the same now. Other contenders are Plinius, Classe, and of course McIntosh, all used of course. New, you'll pay the premium.
Mcintosh holds it's value. You need to buy used. My current integrated, still in production, cost me less than 50% of MSRP- it's was bought used. I am sure I could sell,it for what I paid.

This hobby need not cost money if you buy used and buy well. By buying well, I mean- excellent cosmetic shape, works properly, original box and manual. So long as you spend in the 50-60 % MSRP range you won't take a bath if you sell.
Zavato is correct . Buying used you should be able to sell all your gear for what you paid . If you sell before it becomes obsolete , or simply too old . If one were to keep a revolving door every few years and decide to get out of the hobby all this great fun should cost very little. P.S. Don't tell the new equipment buyers this or it will no longer work