Solid state or tube what to do??

My system is Arcam A85 DIVA, Quad 12L speakers, NAD 521i CDP, Audioquest interconnects, and Type 4 Speaker cables. I purchased the Arcam 7 months ago but now have the itch to go tube. I have the option of trading my Arcam for a Cayin TA-30 that is fully modded except for the Auricaps. Also included are 2 sets of Svetlana tubes (one pair already on board) and the others to sweeten the deal. Am I making a bad move here by doing a straight trade or should I take the chance. I have no way of auditioning the Cayin as the owner is several hundred miles away. Being new to tube, what would I be losing by giving up my Arcam and/or gaining by getting the Cayin. Also, the little Quads are 6ohms. Could this cause a problem for the Cayin?
My recommendation is to throw a few tubes in the mix somewhere. The Cayin at 30 watts should be fine here, unless your head banging to metal or like it loud.

I can also highly recommend the Manley Stingray if your budget allows ( <1500. used) then you can build around it later on when your ready to upgrade other components. This amp is awesome and will rock and boggie! and has 5 ohm output which is perfect for your quads. Just MO.--Ken
I have not heard the Arcam, but I own the ta-30. Before the Cayin I was on a ratrace with various SS amps. The cayin put a stop to that for the last year and a half. I do miss a little of the power sometimes, usually when I've been drinking and feel the need for excess volume and bass slam. The presence of the tube amp and amazing full bodied character and imaging I really like. Maybe try to buy the Cayin or borrow it for a time- compare the two and tell us all what you think... you could always sell one or the other when done
Having used ARC tubes since 1990 (CL-60, VT-100 Mk-I, VT100 Mk-III) and Almarro A205A SE integrated until recently, I find myself using the super-nice Parasound A23 (SS, 180 w/ch @ 4 ohms) to drive my Thiel 1.6's.
The Parasound amp is so sweet I hardly miss the VT-100.

My advice is this:

If you tend to extended listening sessions, go with tubes.
If you listen for shorter periods (a couple of hours after work, etc.) go with solid state.
Transistors have a little more pizzaz in the short run.

This is why we need two systems!