You did not mention a price point you wanted to stay within; so I will assume you are looking in the price range of the REF 110. I went from the REF 110 to a Krell 402E, but it sounds every bit the SS amp that it is. It is very articulate, great dynamics, and very extended in its high and low frequencies. I'm not sure that is the sound you may be looking for. However, I also have a VAC 160 Sigma, at 85-90 watts, it controls my W/P 8 (dips @ 2 ohms) easily. Other SS suggestions: Bells, Modwright, and Ayre. If you can help it, don't give up on tubes. There are many reliable tube amps that can serve your purposes.
Solid State to replace Audio Research REF110?
My power amp REF110 blew resistors and damage PCB (it is the second time), in the pass my VT100 MKIII also damage the PCB had to replace it.
I like REF110 sound but I think I should move to a more reliable solid state power amp.
Which power amplifier do you recommend to substitute Audio Research REF110 without have to regret every day?
Many thanks for the advice.
My power amp REF110 blew resistors and damage PCB (it is the second time), in the pass my VT100 MKIII also damage the PCB had to replace it.
I like REF110 sound but I think I should move to a more reliable solid state power amp.
Which power amplifier do you recommend to substitute Audio Research REF110 without have to regret every day?
Many thanks for the advice.