Solid State to replace Audio Research REF110?


My power amp REF110 blew resistors and damage PCB (it is the second time), in the pass my VT100 MKIII also damage the PCB had to replace it.
I like REF110 sound but I think I should move to a more reliable solid state power amp.

Which power amplifier do you recommend to substitute Audio Research REF110 without have to regret every day?

Many thanks for the advice.
Hey Charles, did you stay at a Holiday Inn last night?? Just checking. Happy New Year again.
Hi Bifwynne,
Thanks and a very happy New Year to you and everyone as well.
Charles1dad, My only point is not all talented designers agree on the same principles. Obviously some talented designers do find fuses degrade performance.

Customers can choose whatever they want. In your example, your friend prefers VAC so he buys VAC. Some prefers ARC, they buy ARC.
Hi knghifi,
Yes, my point as well . We don't disagree. I was actually hoping a designer/builder would come along and explain the rationale for either circuit protection option for handling a blown output tube.
I also replaced my Ref 3 pre with a Pass Labs XP-20 and am pleased with the results.
If you can find a SS design that sounds as good as tubes, why use tubes?
Of course, the debate will be IF!