Solid State vs. Tubes - What if Transistors came first?

What do you guys think?

If transistors came first, and then decades later tubes were invented, would we have any tube amps we would call high end?

Wouldn’t they all fail to reach the height of performance and transparency set by transistor amps?



P.S. I love Conrad Johnson. I'm just wondering how  much of our arguments have to do with timing. 

 I paid probably $3000. I’m pretty convinced that my setup is high enough on the curve of diminishing returns to be considered as equivalent to the best available."

This is absurd on the face of it you do not understand or comprehend the meaning of "diminishing returns" it does not mean "no return" there is no way a $3,000 USD system can compete with the best available but if you are more satisfied, comfortable, and content with that belief that is fine of course but it is fantasy.

My little question was really just asking what someone else’s thoughts would be on a subject that I come across quite often while reading "press". "The best in its price range", you know the drill. I used to wonder why buy anything else then. Then I concluded, shorter but in the same vein, what you said. Pass may be great, best ever for anywhere close to that money, but some would, just as you said, not care as it is unsightly, too heavy, too hot, too big for the room, whatever else. Which brings me to another point that I sometimes try to mention here and then it feels like blasphemy of sorts. Some things are bought, or not bought, because of the way they look. To align it with this thread, tubes are more inconvenient even if you do not need to change them ever. I would dread trying to get the dust off of them but someone may not care and may enjoy it.
Wait, a new market for mountebanks: tube dust!  😜😱

I can well imagine that dust from old tubes will imbue new ones with sonic magic. 🌬
Maritime51 knows fancy words and uses obtuse quips...he’s so amazing 😍. I love it when he repeats stuff over and over again 🤗. Sometimes he gets his Street on and calls people names or insults them or something they like flat out!  He’s so dreamy 💕