solid state vs tubes

has anyone compared a tube amp to a solid state amp and discovered that the diffference sonically between them was undetectable. ? if so what was the tube amp and what was the solid state amp ?

the reason for the question is the basic issue of the ability to distinguish a tube amp from a solid state amp.

this is especially interesting if the components were in production during the 90's , 80's or 70's.

if the components are in current production the probability of such aan occurrence might increasea.

why own a tube amp if there exists a solid state amp that sounds indistinguishable from it ?
I erected sails on my power boat.Still able to tell it was a power boat.I also added food colour to my white wine so it would have the appearance of red wine.Still tasted like white wine to me.I've never been able to understand why people try to make things into something they can't possibly be.Laws of physics apply here.Musicnoise and Blinjim have it right.
If your question is to distinguish a solid state amp from another solid state amp then you may be able to obtain an answer from the Harbeth designer Alan Shaw. He believes all amplifiers sound the same. Go figure.
I feel my roland model 6 amps come very close to the sound of my audiovalve challanger 180 monoblocks when driving usher rw729's or soundlab m2's but the tube amps have the edge in my opinion driving my speakers.
Where do you stand on your own question I am just wondering.
Just wondering if the experts chiming in here saying emphatically that a SS and tube amp can't sound the same read the Carver Challenge? Pretty hard to refute what the conclusion was in that demonstration.

So Experts, are your ears better than the judges? I would love to hear your opinions on the challenge.
I find the post regarding the "Carver Challenge" interesting. I became a more serious audiophile in 1990, and so I do not recall this event. I have often thought of buying a 1980s vintage Carver amp. The "big kid" on my block always talked about Bob Carver and his magnetic field amplifers. This was in the early and mid-1980s.