Soliloquy 6.2i vs VS vr4jr , Zu Druid & Usher 6371

I have the Soliloquy's and have the ' upgrade' bug !
I am not able to sample equipment very easily and am looking to narrow down my choices here .
I am using an Audio Aero Prima integrated amp with a Granite 657 CDP .
While I don't have any real problems with this set-up I would like to improve on it .
My listening room is small at 11ft. X 12ft. thus I listen in the near field , @ 6ft. from the speakers . I do listen to rock music but usually at low volume levels as well as contemporary blues and some female vocalists like Diana Krall. I value good ole toe tapping head bobbing involvement most of all .
The only other speaker that I have any experience with is JM Labs Electra 926. I did not care for them as they did not have any 'heart' and were a little tizzy on the top end .
I would like to know how these choices would compare to my Soliloquys in my situation . Would these be a side ways move or an upgrade ? I realize that each one will have a different sound and would like to know what that difference is .
Any other moves from the Sols, that were an improvemnt, would be welcomed .
Thank you .
If you you are at all interested in the Zu speakers (Druid's and the Definition's), I would recommend either finding someone in your area that is willing to let you listen or take a day trip to their factory.

After listening to many types of speakers at various price ranges, I was pursuaded to listen to the Zu speakers at a local demonstration. I was skeptical at first since this was a different way of auditioning speakers and audio gear. Overall, I found the sound okay but I knew that the room that the audition took place was poor at best. Since I was intrigued with the design and the technology, I traveled to their home factory to listen to their speakers in an environment that was acoustically closer to that of my own. Within a couple of C.D.'s, I was convinced and purchased a pair of the Definitions.
The Definitions have been the most rewarding audio purchase that I have made to date. I have no hesitation in recomending them to you. I would, again, recommend that you listen to them in a room that resembles your own as closely as possible.
Jsc80: Which speakers did you have before Def's and did you get a chance to compare them side by side?
Did you choose the Definitions by yourself or did you have a listening panel? What magazines do you subscribe to? Have you ever been to Utah before? Do you use tube amplification? Did you just like the Definitions enough to buy them because they were plainly superior to the pair with which you were already intimately familiar?
That's what I did. I had my Goldmund speakers for three years before I listened to the Druids and I knew in a couple of minutes that a change was due. I also traveled to Ogden and met with the designers. They were friendly and helpful and very knowledgable, not only about their own products but also about amplification and system design. I left there with a speaker order (I had them shipped to me) and some new friends. I too would recommend that anyone who has any reservations about the products, the company, or the people of Zu should visit there and see what the rest of us are raving about. It was a very nice experience.
Anyone near 48067 with a pair of Zu Druids? I would love to hear a pair sometime (email me). I do like my JR's very much but am always curious to hear new things. I know they offer an in home trial.....
I have a pair of Totem Mani-2 speakers(I have not sold them yet). After listening to various brands and types of speakers up to $17000 or so, I was close to buying Vandersteen 5a's before I happened upon and began the process of auditioning the Zu Definition's. I did not get the opportunity to compare them side by side but, for me, side by side auditioning was not neccessary as there was such a disparity. Aside from all of the presence, sound staging, etc... the Definition's sounded much closer to the music that I had heard live.
I use both tube and solid state amplification. At present I have a number of different amplifiers (Reference Line Preeminence One, Clayton Audiuo S40, BAT VK-200, and McIntosh MC-40's). The Definition's have sounded good on every amplifier that I have tried. To me, the best sound is from the Reference Line and from the McIntosh MC-40's.
My experiance with Zu and the Definition's has been pleasant and rewarding. Everyone at Zu is friendly and professional - great guys with great ideas and quality products at relatively low prices.