Some guidance please?

As you can all tell from my last thread, I'm new to HT. I'm completely dumbfounded by the magnitude of options when it comes to purchasing speakers. I have decided on a Denon 3805 receiver and an SVS 20-39 PC+ sub. But when it comes to speakers, I have no idea where to begin. I've read several reviews and from what I've gathered, pretty much everything on this site is excellent. I'm fairly busy, so I don't have much time to dedicate to learning all the particulars of different speaker set-ups. I just want something that is going to sound good for mostly action movies and regular T.V. I also listen to quite a bit of rock music and a little bit of country occasionally.
I've seen some of the prices on speakers here and they're staggering. I'm looking to spend less than $2,000 on speakers(surrounds and center included). Used is probably the only route to go with a budget like that, unless I settle on the Polk RTi series. They are the only decent speakers I've heard that I can afford new, so I have nothing to compare them to. I don't have an issue with buying used from this site. I've heard everybody is very honest and forthcoming with the equipment they sell here. In the short amount of time I've browsed this site it really shows too.
So, saying all that, I would greatly appreciate it if several of you could shed some light and make my decision a little easier.
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Colyerdogoff, How about the Canadian Paradigm or energy speakers? There a great bang for the buck.