Some tables have soul and some not

Why is that? Do you think it is always very subjective?
Say, Nottingham Spacedeck does have it and SME does not even if in some respects SME can be called a better or depending on model much better table.
Thoughts, opinions, name callings ?
Did we really think that the global news on TV or newspapers were speeking the truth around the world?
Facts were made and hidden as the case on the mass media by the master of puppets and his clan who has invested in war.
What I find hard to believe is how it is possible for any one to seek for any justice, when we have the knowlege that history in particular and especialy the dark pages, is a matter of perspective among the nations for whom it is served and imposed by the masterchef. Sometimes is better to write open, freely expressing our internal flame on the text and at the end to press the delete button instead of posting. We can choose to not scandalize provoke and fluster our forum mates for as we are here as guests. And I mean all of us! So, let's crank some Jimi now : "Hey baby" (New rising sun).
Well, we've had our first black president as historical milestone... I now wish to have a president that would make pot and poker legal as historical milestone.
There is always peace to be found on the other side of war, isn't it? That's what wars are all about - to find peace.
Inna please stop with this kind of jokes every now and then. I have pissed my pants on laughing. I aknowlege that you have a charisma to push us to the edge with your paradox, wired and straightforward questions, but let me take a breath or I'm gonna shit my shelf if you send another one like this.
And prostitution too. Look at Europe, in most countries it is legal or what they call tolerated though officially illegal. After all this is one of the most respected professions.
By the way, the current president is not black, he is half black/half white.