Sonic Frontiers line 3 vs. AR 25 II

I'm on the verge of buying one of these pre's. There's a little price descrepancy between the SF 3 and the AR 25II. I've never even seen a Sonic Frontier's pre but have heard good things. If anyone has first hand experience with these pre's, which would you choose to mate with a Levison 334 amp, Sony SCD 777ES, and top notch DIY speakers. Thanks.
I have owned a sonic frontiers power 2 for many years now. recently i had a problem with the right channel. I called SF tech support and spoke to frank pugliano. Not only was he a super nice guy, he fixed the amp for free and even chenged the voltage settings for free (i recently moved to europe) I dont know who you may have spoken to that was rude, but i have nothing but good things to say about their support. Recently i have auditioned both of the pres you mention above albiet in different systems. I have decided to buy the Line 3. I think that even now it is world class.
Funny because I own a Power 2 and it had a problem with the right channel and I spoke to Frank as well. It's on its way back home right now. He didn't fix it for free but I bought this used and it was cheap to fix (shipping was the main cost)and I am not complaining. One of my tubes broke on the way down there and they replaced for free. Since they are still doing service and are very friendly people to deal with I wouldn't consider them "not around". They still do upgrades, offer tubes etc. Really great people and really great equipment. Too bad they aren't making this line though, if it was this good then just think how great it'd be now......I would get a Line 3, it's an amazing unit, but I can just barely handle the heat from the Power 2 much less adding that many more tubes to the room. My Golden Tube Audio Pre has only 1........
I agree with shamburg's opinion and assessment of the Line 3. It is extremely neutral to the point of simply doing its job without added colorations... Whatever sound you're looking to achieve must get its character from other parts of your system chain, ie power amp, because the Line 3 is not influential this way. I am a very happy owner of one and have had nothing but exemplary service from it and the SF staff (I needed a couple of tubes). No experience with the AR25 but my guess is it's an excellent product which will however impart more influence into the chain than the Line 3 ever will. Keep in mind again though, it won't give you classic tube sound to your [already] solid state based system. It would still be my choice among most preamps...(and it's incredibly versatile as well).Good luck and happy lissnin...
I've never heard an AR but, I do love my SF Line 3SE. As the others have said it's very honest and not tubey. I had Frank Pugliano and company upgrade it to the SE configuration last year and it really was worthwhile. I needed to get it back for service this spring, still under warranty, and Frank was again, professional and quick. The Line 3 is a really fine piece and the SE is better. Also, Chris Johnson, who designed the Line 3, is available at for service and upgrades if required so, there is support for the SF gear.