Sonic Frontiers preamp in standby mode

Hey guys, I have a question about Sonic Frontiers Line 1 preamp. Should it be left on in stand by mode at all times? If so, what are the benefits if any - cleaner sound maybe? Or is it just recommended to be left in stand by mode to preserve the tubes. I usually shut it off after listening because I don't like to leave the house with electronics left on but the manual states that it should be left on. My other equipment is Sonic Frontiers Power 1 amp, Musical Fidelity A5 CD player, Shunayata line conditioner, and Vandersteen Quattro speakers with high pass filter (amp & pre-amp are on balanced connection). All the tubes are new and fully broken in.

I would appreciate feedback on this question. It seems that sometimes if the system hasn't been on in a few days I don't get optimum sound until after a few hours of play. When fully warmed up this system sounds very nice.

Thank you,
music lover

Could it be that as long as the unit is plugged in it is in standby mode even when the power button is in the off position?

A SFL 1 doesn't have a standby mode.  It has a 45 second mute timer.   The green LED will flash upon the first 45 seconds of warm up, then you hear the relay click and get music.   If the Mute switch is lifted the LED will flash indicating it is muted. 

Going back to the initial post, which refers to standby mode:   Does that mean just leave it on (and maybe engage the mute switch)?  

Mystery solved.  I spoke to the people at Parts Connexion, who spoke to one of their techs that was one of the original designers of the Sonic Frontiers pre-amps.  He said that there is no "standby" mode on the SFL-1, but that it is recommended to leave it on when not in use, unless it's going to be a lengthy period of time between uses.  

These are still great preamps.   Enjoy.   12AT7 are easy to find compared to other NOS tubes and usually pretty affordable.   

I'm using a JJ 12AT7  in mine now and it sounds pretty good.   I had a Mullard 6201 in there and it sounded excellent.