Sonic Frontiers preamps tube eaters??

Just wanted to find out from member owners of Sonic frontiers preamps if they experienced frequently replacing tubes (within months) due to noise (tube rush noise).

The reason I asked is I was told recently by a reputable tube vendor (no need to mention names here)that Sonic Frontiers preamps (SFL and Line series) tend to develop noise even after being replace with NOS tubes. In addition, that by design the unit runs the tubes (6DJ8, 6922, 7308 etc) to their max limits which is the reason for their short life.

He even claims that there are a lot of post on the web about this. I've tried the AA and Agon to look for such specific threads but found not enough evidence pointing to this problem. He claims that the original tubes that came with these preamps were really Russian 6N1P which are very hard to find (re-labeled as 6922)????

Have had mine (Line 2 SE)since 2003 and yes I've gotten tube rush noise (very faint on one side). But this problem can be move to the other side when that tube is moved. Thus the reason for shopping on NOS tubes. The unit performs flawlessly with the exception of the very faint tube-rush noise on ONE side.

Hope to hear from SF preamp owners and Thanks in advance.

Line 3SE owner for 5 years, only had to re-tube once last year and I had 6H23 in them before without ever noticing any tube noise thru out the 4 or 5 years of usage. Given the life span I got from the tubes, I would rate it as gentle on the tubes.

Yes, you can get better sound by putting in NOS. But I have been using cheap tubes (EH or NOS Sovtek) in buffer stage with good success.
Jolen1aub, Check out the Amperex US made PQ white lable 6922 E88cc tubes for the critical positions, a bit costly but have been my favorites. For a bit less cash the Mullard 6922/CV2493 low noise GT. Britain tubes are nice too.
Thank you all for responding and re-inforcing the reliable qualitiies of the Sonic Frontiers product.

But the question remains.... now that we know what tubes to get... WHERE is a reliable vendor to buy these tubes from?
(without 2nd guessing their reputation). Another reason we are paying top dollars on these NOS tubes is we expect them to be QUIET, have better sonic performance(maybe), and to be reliable for years.... (10,000 hrs).

Hi Jeff- thanks for chimimg in! Telefunken or Amperex??
last we chat you were in the process of getting
some Teles not too long ago.
Is tubemonger a reliable source for these tubes?
(from your experience?)
Joel, I perfer the Amperex over the tele for the critical positions. The tele are nice but just a tad laid back for me. Tubemonger has always provided good stuff and I have never had any problems with his tubes. AA FAQ page has some good info you seek.

Which Amperex in particular do you recommend?
Are these 7308s or 6922s?
Please let me know and I'll give the tubemonger a try..:^))

And thanks again!
