Sonic Frontiers, what is going on??

Does any one know why SFI equipment is sellinh new for less than 50% of its retail prices? I wanted to buy Power 3 but I am worried. Normally when that happens is either the company is going out of Bus or there is newer modle coming up. Any insight?
Well, if it makes you feel any better, I bought my Power 3 from, brand new, in the box, from a dealer whose store closed and had overstock.. I've had the power3 for about 4 months now, have spoken to SFI on the phone for some technical questions. I don't why you feel the company is having problem.. The power 3 is one of the best tube amp out there for the money. They are also built beautifully...If you have any question, you are welcomed to email me. Good luck. I think the Stereophile review on the power3 has a lot to do with why there are many overstock amps out there.
TO: Calvinhu, Thank you for the vote of confidance, I currently use the Bryston 7B mono blocks (which also are rated A) to drive Martin Logan ReQuest. I was wondering if going with the Power 3 would be up/side/down grade? you see I can't compare them at home, cause I currently live overseas. So I would have to go with some recommendations. Mohamed
I agree with Calvin's response above-- good assessment. Since SF was purchased by Paradiegm (sp?) Audio over a year ago, it is financially stable. I verified this with their Technical Rep. several months ago. In the two Stereophile reviews of the SF Power 2 and 3, RJR called the Power 2 "boring", a very unprofessional choice of words (IMO) for an amp that was then put in their Class A Recommended components-- it seems to me that there is a big contradiction involved here, ie how could a "boring" amp be Class A. As to the Power 3, the reviewer said "these amps don't rock"-- in other words they lacked pace, rhythm, and timing. Yet the Power 3 was also put into STPH. Class A-- another significant contradiction IMO. Please note that other reviewers of thes amps said they were excellent. Look up the reviews on SF's web site; also the reviews on Audio Review. No, I don't own either of these amps but am seriously considering the Power 2. Dbear; I have used the Line 2 for over two years-- SE with no problem-- sources have been a Muse 2 DAC, and a Levinson 360S DAC. And I don't know what you mean by "overloading". Also, when used SE, it does not mean that 1/2 the circuitry is not used-- it doesn't work that way, but different parts of the circuitry are used SE versus balanced. I also use the Line 1 SE and have had no problems-- source is an Adcom DAC. They are both excellent pre-amps. Myoussif if you would prefer to pay MORE for this amp, I can give you some references (hey dude, just joking). Over the weekend, a Power 2 (demo, MSRP $5000.) was sold for $2000. because the business was both moving and changing focus-- wish I could have afforded it at the time. Cheers. Craig.
I think this all relates to SF's financial difficulties about a year ago, when they had to sell off a lot of product to raise cash. (I think those problems are behind them) They sort of flooded the market with half price goods and that stuff floats around and is re-sold over and over. I bought a SF Power 2 very cheap about a year ago (and liked it a lot) but then sold it a few months ago for about 80% of what I bought it for. There's nothing wrong with their products, but I think they're still feeling the effets of their dumping of product a while back.
I think Schacter may figured out what is up with SF. Hopefully they have their problems worked out as their gear is first rate. I bought a Line 3 about six months ago and really like it. You will have to spend north of 5K to get something close to it in performance from another vendor. One concern with the power 3's is that they run hot. If you live in an apartment with inadequate air conditioning like I do then the heat disipation may be a problem. Personally I lean towards solid state amps to advoid the cost of power tube replacement (much more expensive than pre-amp tubes). One final comment, positive endorsements from experts like Kevin Deal at Upscale Audio sure doesn't hurt my confidence level with SF gear.