Sonic Tonic fom the Tweek Geek

Well here is another great tweak that I recommend. Its called, "Sonic Tonic". By the Tweek Geek.

Sonic Tonic consists of a set of 4 bottles and will cost you $99 but boy do you get your money’s worth.
I placed the first 4 bottles on the power cords IEC ends on my PS Audio Dac, Bryston BDP-2, BSG QOL, and my DEQX Preamp. And then listened...
What I heard was a clearer soundstage, with improved vocals, deeper bass and increased dynamics.

I even tried them on my Video equipment; Samsung 85" UHD, Dish equipment, Oppo 205 and found an increased resolution that really made Tara Reid’s wrinkles pop in " Sharknado 5" !

I ended up buying a total of 20 of these bottles and now have them everywhere including on my Tube Amps and my Subs.
With a return guarantee you guys need to give these a try.



Showing 3 responses by t_ramey

Hey ozzy, have you tried the Sonic Tonic on your tv power cables? I took Mike at Tweek Geek up on his 30 trial for the Sonic Tonic and while I wasn’t too crazy about the change in sound it did for my stereo system I found it does increase clarity on the picture of my Panasonic tv. And it’s something that’s very quick to discern, no long settling process. I got used to the great picture that I ended up keeping the Sonic Tonic.

-Just saw your original post where you indeed tried it on your video. I currently have two bottles on the tv cable and two on the oppo cable. Which by the way I've been using the Furutech DPS-4 on my tv. I think it's the first cable to outperform the Cerious in my system. Waiting to put more time on it before putting it on my integrated amp.
Very nice. I'm going to try them on the speaker terminals next to see what happens. Interesting on putting them on the cable before the connector. I'd figure they're best closer to the connection but as you say experimention is key. Thanks
Mike at Tweek Geek told me the "material" is suspended in epoxy that is cured or dried inside the bottle. When he makes his power cables with it he embeds it into a silicone glue that he applies inside the connectors. I thought it was more vibration control at first but it could effect rmf/emi as well as the result or effect is very immediate. This is definitely audio voodoo at its best.

Well here's what's said on Tweek Geeks site...

 Inside each bottle of Sonic Tonic is a blend of materials solidified in epoxy that together are activated by electromagnetic fields. Once activated, they work to reduce noise and distortion caused by high emf, eddy currents, and hysteresis.