Sonos turns your house into an ipod

Anyone else have any experience with the Sonos system?
I picked mine up from an enlightened local sound store and have been blown away with the quality of the system. It makes single disc players obsolete. It has a built in fifty watt per side power amp and excellent AD/DA convertors as well as analog inputs and outputs. The handheld remote control has an incredible color screen that allows you scroll through your music collection and internet radio stations. For anyone with a large CD collection the Sonos system is the only way to go.
Even more upside...

I have been buying more and more music. Have been discovering new stuff - roots blues, delta blues, 1940's jazz, old-time appalachian music. Not having to deal with physical piles of CDs has just made listening to music that much more enjoyable. And, my spend on music has skyrocketed. Amazing.

Mods for the Sonos will be available in the near future. I have one in the queue.

On what do you base the comment "The quality of these stock Wi-Fi converters just isn't quite up to a good transport or a good USB converter, yet." As TCP/IP is a packet-based protocol and therefore immune to jitter, if the bits arrive, the transmission across the LAN is perfect, leaving only the conversion to and transmission of SPDIF as a potential issue.

You'll pardon my skepticism, but your comments have to be taken with a grain of salt as you have revealed a financial stake in upgrading these devices.
Johnmcelfresh, I agree.

It seems like everytime the Audioeng posts a reply on this forum, it turns into a sales pitch for one of his existing or future products/services.
Johnmcelfresh - I mod practically all of these and sell my own USB converters, so I know what they all sound like stock. It's not that the strategy of the Wi-Fi players is no good, it's the implementations that are lacking.

The question was asked "who is modding the Sonos", so I responded.