On what do you base the comment "The quality of these stock Wi-Fi converters just isn't quite up to a good transport or a good USB converter, yet." As TCP/IP is a packet-based protocol and therefore immune to jitter, if the bits arrive, the transmission across the LAN is perfect, leaving only the conversion to and transmission of SPDIF as a potential issue.
You'll pardon my skepticism, but your comments have to be taken with a grain of salt as you have revealed a financial stake in upgrading these devices.
On what do you base the comment "The quality of these stock Wi-Fi converters just isn't quite up to a good transport or a good USB converter, yet." As TCP/IP is a packet-based protocol and therefore immune to jitter, if the bits arrive, the transmission across the LAN is perfect, leaving only the conversion to and transmission of SPDIF as a potential issue.
You'll pardon my skepticism, but your comments have to be taken with a grain of salt as you have revealed a financial stake in upgrading these devices.