Sonus Faber Grand Piano Home Speakers with a Used Krell KAV-400xi or S550i Integrated Amp

I have a pair of these SF GP's (Home version) and have seen reviews making the case that the GP's match well with Krell amps, but they are not very specific as to which Krell amps.  I am not in a position to go with a pre/power amp pair so I am looking at integrated amps.  What say ye with respect to either of these older Krell integrated amps?

Showing 1 response by alexatpos

I have had that speakers and kav 400, with Cardas GR speaker cables.
At the time, that was ’bespoken’ combination for an ’entry’ level system, but together with Meridian G 08 cd player.

As for the sound of kav 400 or S 550i, I can only comment on first one, since I have not heard the s550, but, if that may help, I have heard the s300 from that same line of production.

Kav 400 is powerfull, but ’gray’ sounding amp that must be paired with ’rich’ sounding speakers (like yours)

S300 was major disappointment, very much ’closed’ on the top, even when paired with much more expensive source (Burmester 001 cd player) the sensation was like I have blanket over my speakers.

So, between the two, kav 400 is safe (cheaper as well, I would guess) option, since you do not need more power to control those speakers.

As for ’musicality’ or if you have plans to change speakers in future, I would look for some other solutions.

If you choose to stick with that combo, be sure to try some ’rich’ sounding dac