Sonus Faber Guarneri vs Guarneri Memento

Has anyone had a chance to compare the new Guarneri Memento to the original Guarneri?

Does anyone have any pricing info on the new Guarneri Mementos?
Elviukai, I think that you may be confused regarding the tweeters that SF uses in its various products. SF has for many years had their various tweeters modified by the different manufacturers to SF's spec's. This scheme has been used by numerous manufacturers to 'customize' their products as well, thereby making generalization on identification difficult.
I do not think that you can make such generalizations in regards to the GM's vs.
the Auditor M's tweeters or other speaker drivers in their line. For example, you originally brought up the idea that the GH's tweeter is NOT an Esotar because according to you it doesn't look like any Esotar you are familiar with. While that may be true, I have talked since my last post, to other SF owners and my SF dealer, they say that it has been known from the beginning that the SF GH tweeter is a customized tweeter made by Dynaudio especially for SF and the GH in particular. Nonetheless, the consensus is that it is a modified Esotar in the GH.
I am still going to see if SF will confirm this, however, let's not jump to conclusions with the drivers and their design in the SF line.
BTW, I also would like to see this thread veer back to the original question of GH vs GM and NOT a discussion on the various types of tweets in the SF line, just IMHO.
At the moment I found as follow:

- my Memento has the same center pin inside tweeter as pictured,
- Amati Anniversario tweeter and Auditor M has the same center pin as Guarneri Memento but Auditor M has different front bafle,
- in Italian review from 2006 I found confirmation that old Guarneri Homage uses Dynaudio D28 tweeter,
- in the same review they claim that Guarneri Memento is ring radiator from Scan-Speak.
Esotar is a dated design from 30 years ago, so much so Dynaudio updated it to keep up with the competition when Evidence was introduced and still it can't compete with Scanspeak Ring Radiator or other newer technology. Just look around, are there any manufactures using Esotar to design their state of the art speakers now?

Lots of ferrofluid to cool the driver is a good thing for professional monitoring where they play 100+ db all day, for audiophile application where micro/macro detail, transparency, and other factors are equally or more important than just high power handling, Esotar falls short.

I have owned 30+ pairs of speakers in the past 20 years, I sure listened with my ears, and now I also learned to listen with my brain too. Something that sounds good but far from truth DOES NOT equal to good sound.

And yes, GH uses Esotar and GM use the top end Ring Radiator, not the cheap Vifa tweeter.

you mention owning 30 speakers in the past 20 years. Any highlights or standouts based on your personal experience ?
Semi how abot pictures where claimed Esotar has sticker D28/2 (confirmed in one review) and claimed scan speak ring radiator with different centrer pin and magnet system looking the same as in Vifa?
Is your information based on reviews or other sources?