As an owner of SF Guarneri's, IMHO they are one of the very best speakers I have heard. Replaced my well respected
Hales System 2 Signatures( which were no slouch in the mids). The SF's are in a different league to the Hales, being much more resolving in the mids and the highs and with better imaging and ability to portray depth and timbre.
Have not heard the Aurum's, but they would have to be amazing to beat the SF's.
Hales System 2 Signatures( which were no slouch in the mids). The SF's are in a different league to the Hales, being much more resolving in the mids and the highs and with better imaging and ability to portray depth and timbre.
Have not heard the Aurum's, but they would have to be amazing to beat the SF's.