Sony 9000es or Musical Fidelity A3 CDP.

Has anyone had the opportunity to listen to the sony 9000es in comparison to musical fidelity a3 cdp.Iam trying to get the best possible sound within that price and if possible not adding another component to my equiptment rack.My system consist of Aerial model 8 speakers,Classe amp Model 700s,Sonic Frontiers Line Stage Model SFL,Cables are FMS Wave and Cardis Cross.For theater iam using a NAD receiver Model T751.Thanks for any input.
I partially agree with Nat on this one. But what I would do is buy the Sony and then buy an EVS or Bel Canto DAC. Why? Because the Sony sound is lacking, but the transport portion is clearly superior to the other choices, if not superior to players costing a 1000 bucks more. Then after I lived with it for a while I'd hit for the mods by Dan Wright. I did an extensive A/B with the 9000 and the 777 multichannel SACD player, and believe the foreground to be equal. But the background, that was another story and the 777 blew away the 9000 (of course I'm only talking a SCAD comparison, not redbook). Good luck, go for the Sony!
Tbadder, when you talk about foreground and background, are you talking about soundstage depth?
A digital signal out is a digital signal out why waste your money.If you had the extra 1K to throw buy a Rega Jupiter or a 2K player.You can move into the next level.The Planets dac is better than the Belcanto to start.
The Belcanto is to be used with older players.Both the A3Cd and Rega alone will out play what comes out of the Bel Canto.
I agree that the sony is the winner if you don't intendid on using it for analog out on use of redbook cd's. If you plan on using it as a tranport for redbook/dvd(digital output) and analog SACD output it will do super. I found the DAC-in the sony- to be pretty lifeless and dull sounding on redbook recordings, very uninvolving and compressed. But with a good DAC it will bring new life to an other wise great player, there is probably some truth to Natalie's comment, digital has improved exponentially since its introduction, cheaper players now will outperform premium players of yesterday. I found that my old Rega planet sounded better then the sony 9000es, though I don't use the DAC in the sony so I don't really notice the problem. Do any of you out there with modwright mods notice improvements with the digital output of there unit? or is it more on the analog level that the improvements really shine?
The modwright mods have a significant improvement on the digital out of the player. If you look at his site you'll see that he rebuilds the digital out ciruit, there are benefits also from the damping and power supply work he does.
The great thing about mods and the 9000es is that the mods will benefit all formats Modwrights level 3 mods are $800 half the price of a fancy DAC and the modded 9000es kills everything in its price range. If you have no interest at all in sacd and wish to own a seperate dvd player than look at other options...the sacds are starting to roll out...
Also when thinking of a DAC for redbook on the 9000es consider the price of an extra pair of interconnects, a digital cable and probably a power cord. If you buy reasonably priced cables the cable cost will be at least $500 before you even lay out the $1500 for a DAC.
$500 will buy you a lot of mods.
A digital signal may be a digital signal but remember that jitter is jitter and power supply noie is power supply noise. Even a brief audition of transports will show you that there are large differences in quality. The 9000es transport is outstanding and it's internal dac not at all bad, with intelligent mods it is a versitile stunner that shines with redbook.
Asa side note Bel Canto is showing there new dac2 with 24/192 upsampling. Although the dac1 was alittle warm I have never heard anything regarding it being made to be used with older players? It is a nice unit if it suits your tastes and works well with a number of tranpsorts.