Sony HAP-Z1ES + MacBookPro

Love my HAP-Z1ES.  Used it to feed analog into my pre-amp; now using its digital USB output to feed my Devialet 200.  Truly happy with it.
Alas: this week, with my latest MacBookPro software upgrade (MacOS 11.3.1, an update to Big Sur) I can no longer transfer files (using the HAP Music Transfer app) from the laptop to the Sony.  I get error messages, either "Some files are failed in transferring. Please check the transferred file list." or "Transfer cannot start because the device has not been ready for it."  (I've never gotten either of these before.) 

I pinged Sony via Twitter but don't really expect an answer.

Everything else (playing existing files; using the HAP app on my phone as a remote) works fine.

Thanks in advance for any Audiogoner who has advice, diagnostics, workaround.
Ag insider logo xs@2xhrodman
With you on that, Nikonnick!
First one to hear of an update tells the rest of us, ok?
I "chatted" with Sony service in the US today and got this reply.

"I truly understand, I have been researching this information for you and yes Sony is currently working on a patch for it to isolate this issue that occurred due to the Apple Software Update
I cannot assure you a specific time and date, but what I can be able to do for you is provide you the ES Department phone contact information (877) 619-7669, operating hours: Mon – Fri, from 9:00 am to 8:00 pm ET"
I'm not in the US and was wondering if someone there wanted to try their luck and advise the result?


Thank You for posting the ES point-of-contact phone number.

Happy Listening!
The ES line was rumored to have hellaciously long hold times, but I got through in under two minutes.
I wonder if they're going to wait for MacOS Monterrey, which will be released this fall, in case Monterrey introduces further incompatibilities.
Will post whatever I hear.
Thanks, H.
From the Sony ES unit, here's a workaround:

#1, on your HAP-Z1ES unit, press the Power and Home buttons simultaneously.

#2, select change SMB address, dial to select SMB version 1.0.

#3, scroll down and select Restart.

#4, power unit on and then start the HAP Music Transfer app on your Mac computer.

#5, be aware that file transfers will now take longer.

#6, watch the Sony HAP-Z1ES support page for an update in the next few weeks.

Do note:

The transfer was a bit slower but not much slower than usual - 5+ minutes for ~700mb

*The unit should be off when you first start the steps outlined in JDAWG's post. And you should release the Power & Home button when you see the SONY come up. If you hold it too long it'll just power up and power down.

*The workaround seems to continue working after you power down, so, at least in my case, I didn't need to repeat these steps each time I wanted to transfer after turning the unit on.

(With large thanks to Shawn of Sony ES, and the various discussants in the Sony Community HAP-Z1ES thread, notably JDAWG and User1623339705956324586