The Sony HAP-Z1ES has both Spotify and TuneIn music services with the latest firmware. Internet VTuner was discontinued in October 2015.
Like I said earlier, I like it much better than my previous Aurender N100H and Wyred4Sound DAC-2 DSD and Femto Clock. I own 2 Sony players, one in each system. The iPad app is excellent and very easy to use. You can edit the Metadata as well, but I have found that with over 15,000 songs on the player, it hasn’t missed yet in finding all the Metadata. You have the ability to change the dac conversion from normal to precise and are able to use the dsee or not. I use the precision setting and dsee engaged in my main system, but use normal setting and dsee in my other system. You get a lot of choices and can add another hard drive and a separate dac if something better and greater comes along. If one of the smaller High End companies made this player, it would probably sell for 5K. The player weighs 32 pounds and only a large company like Sony could build and sell the player for 2K.
It really is a bargain. Oh, in case this matters, it sounds absolutely wonderful. This is definitely a no regrets piece of equipment.