SOny PS-FL5 any good

A friend is offering me a SOny turntable PS-FL5, Weird contraption...fully automatic with a sliding drawer that the platter sits on. Any opinions out there in Agon land? Not much info on the web...The thing looks complicated. Should I avoid it like the plague or jump on it like a junebug?

thanks in advance for any advice.
Late response, but I still have my PS-FL5 with a Grado cartridge. Sounds pretty good and convenient since I can place it in my rack or stack of gear.
From what I can find, the PS-FL5 was part of Sony's upscale Esprit line of components. It was probably part of what would now be considered a compact, "lifestyle" system. It's definitely not junk. It looks to be well built with a decent tonearm and drive system. The sliding drawer worries me in terms of providing a solid, isolated platform but other than that...if it's free, and you don't currently have a turntable, why not take it? Mount a $99 Ortofon 2M Red and see what she can do. I'll bet the unit is at least as good as some of the entry level stuff out there now.