Sony scd-1 vs Ayre C5xe

I am looking to make a change to my digital set up for my two channel habit.
The question is do I change to the Ayre C5xe which is supposed to be a great player or keep my Sony scd-1 and get it hot rodded. I have way more CD than SACD so redbook is important but I still want to listen to SACD.
Thanks for your time.
Hot rodding a SCD1 is a complete waste of money. Better look at some of the newer DAC's amd good, old transports.
It depends on what your goal is. A modded scd-1 if done properly can sound quite fantastic. However like the poster above states you will not get your money back out of the mods should you decide to sell the unit.

I have a modded scd-1 that I plan on keeping for a long time. I have heard the ayre and it is a very good player but it is not up to the performance capabilities of my sony.

I agree with Chuck & have not heard anything that surpasses a well-modded SCD-1/777ES.
Hi Guys
Thanks for the responses. I have been watching the prices on the modded units and yes I agree you don't get the money back that was invested in the payer.
This weekend I compared the EMM and the Ayre players. Nice sounding players. The EMM is quite a bit better than both the Sony and the Ayre. At twice the price it should. You get what you pay for.
Question to Dgarretson. How much to really make the Sony sing and which mods?
Thanks again.