sony xa5400es or marantz sa15s2?

i'm before purchasing a cdp... i've heard so many good reviews of this sony, and of marantz cdps (none of sa15s2 though). did anyone listen to these two (or former marantz sa15s1 or any similar)? i would be greatful to get any comment to help my decision.
12-28-09: Fishing716
I am a musician over 35 years
My ears are very trained
I trust my assessment

While you may have been a musician for over 35 years and have very trained ears and trust your assessment,I ask again,have you heard every system that these players have been used in? Still curious.
I think the XA5400es is a great player especially for the price.I like it better than Marantz and offer no additional observation.
I will never stop being amused by the "experts" (self proclaimed and real) on every aspect of music. Mr. Fishing716 is a musician and this makes him a "specialist" on the sound of a component w/o taking into consideration the synergy of the rest of the system with this component. Anyway, this debate will never end become musical tastes and sound are so subjective. I have many friends that are musicians but when it comes to music of a system their opinions are as diverse (with one another) as among any of us NOT musically trained. I figure if they are all musicians how come they can not agree on the sound of a system? Go figure...