Sopra 2 Amp Recommendation

Hi all,
I've got the upgrade bug and I wanted to get some advice from the community. Right now I have a pair of sopra no2's, a JL Sub, and an Anthem STR Integrated. I love the Anthem room correction so I am looking to keep it as my pre-amp OR swap to the STR Pre-Amp.

My main question is what to get for a power amp? I've read some other threads and haven't come to any firm conclusions. Soundstage and punch tend to be the main things I look for. I'm hoping to stay with some of the brands that are well known and hold their value a bit better (Anthem, Pass, Macintosh, etc). I'll probably buy used and spend $6-10k. Anyone have suggestions? 

Ag insider logo xs@2xmattlathrop

I will preface the following with this; for a dozen or so years prior to me selling off my Mac gear, I was a (naive) fan. Early in my audiophile days, I too became smitten with the big blue meters and the timeless aesthetics of the gear. To me, it never disappointed and always held their value when I decided to move up the line. In order, I had the following Mac Amps, 754, 150, 300, 501, 2301, and finally the 601's. Most of them fed a pair of PSB Stratus Gold speakers before I decided to finally upgrade my speakers...the Focal Sopra II was the choice.

They were a demo pair from a local shop so I know that they had been broken in some. At first listen, I was buzz killed with the lack of dramatic improvement...they seemed veiled, messy, slow and lifeless, with not much low end. I spent hours in repositioning and various room treatments that were acceptable by my wife, nothing. It could not have been the speakers, as they sounded fantastic in the shop, could it be the amplification?! I found a great deal on a pair of Pass XA60.8's and figured that if I bought them and did not like them I could easily sell them and recoup my investment, nothing lost but time spent. The Pass with the Focal was an immediate punch to my audio senses and they (the Pass) were to remain. My Mac days were over. 

I use the Holo Serene preamp with the CODA #16. I had the CODA 07x preamp before but prefer the utterly silent Serene. I sometimes move the CODA #16 to the system with the Benchmark LA4 preamp. In fact, the LA4 was the preamp I got after selling the 07x. Again an utterly silent preamp and love that too.

The CODA #16 would pair well with the BE drivers on the Focal. Though I would likely look at a warmer speaker such as a KRELL Dou 300XD. I used the LA4 with both of those amps and loved the sound.

Another amp that may work well with the Focal based on how amazing it is with my Magnepan LRS+ (as is the CODA #16 with the LRS+) is the Sanders Sound System Magtech. It is not Class A smooth like the KRELL and CODA but the pairing with the LRS+ is incredible. It really does not offend in any way, I get ear fatigue easily with bad sound. The LRS+ sounds better with a lot of watts and current which both the CODA and Magtech provide. I forgot if the Focal is also a power hog. The KRELL is equally powerful but never heard with LRS+ (it should be great).

@mattlathrop Send me a DM if you are interested in a CODA #16.

I ran a BHK250 for a year and was happy with everything but the heat in the summer. I'm sure a pair of BHK300's would be a vast improvement. I'll be trying some class D with my Sopra 2's soon. 

Another great consideration...I recently heard the Atma-sphere Class D amps and was highly impressed with their effortless musical presentation.

Inhave bothe BHK250 and 300’s on mine. Both are great. Better with 300’s. I got mine for under 7k used.