Sound for my new theater?

We are nearing completion of our new home theater. Size is 26'x21'x11'. !30" Stewart screen with Pioneer projector. I currently have a small Linn system consisting of a Unidisk SC, 5105 and pair of 5140s. My thoughts regarding options are as follows:
1) Add three Linn 5120 speakers as surrounds and center and actively tri-amp the 5140s with a new Chakra 6100. Add a Rel sub.
2) Start over with a Magnepan based system using 3.6s as the mains with the Maggie center and surrounds. Also add sides for 7.1 and a Rel sub.
3) Start over with another dynamic speaker system.
My questions are:
A) Which approach would be the most musical and still capable of rocking for the movies.
B) Which pre pro and amps for #2 and #3? Need to support all the new codecs and 7.1
C) What complete system for #3?

Thanks for any and all feedback.

Showing 1 response by iplaynaked

"Start over with a Magnepan based system using 3.6s as the mains with the Maggie center and surrounds. Also add sides for 7.1 and a Rel sub"

Have sold the Magnapan line, and have intimate experience with them. Down sides are going to be limited off-axis high quality sound (tiny sweet spot), VERY LIMITED dynamic output (low efficiency/sensitivity, more delicate speaker - not so great with heavy dynamic material, period). Also the Rel is going to do well in a small/medium room setup for modest music dubties, not a full blown HT system. The Rel will bottom out on you, and is a better music sub than it is a balls to the wall HT woofer (also, just one woofer? You'd need more!)

I'd recommend, yes, looking into more dedicated HT dynamic speakers, that are still musical, have a good focused propegation (Dappolitos), still offer excellent detail, and have tremendous dynamics! I'd be recommending possibly some sort of active speaker system if you could, otherwise something that's either higher efficiency, has a very simple passive crossover network (like 3 of the Triangle center speakers across the front - using smaller sides/rears, likely), maybe something with active woofers like Definitive makes, and forget about the linn system! Keep that in another system or whatever.
You must prioritize, and limit your compromises. I mean is it a system where mostly others will be joining you often, or mostly just you?
Keep in mind off-axis will compromise some stereo imaging, but multi-channel can make up for that, and you want balanced, high quality sound overall for lots of seats. Also, a center seat in such a room will still be in a bad acoustic spot. I'd setup for 4x4x4 seating if I were you, and you needed 12 seater.
Look at big centers from PSB, Dunlavy, Thiel, Triangle, Definitive (I like these with tubes in the system, FTR), and other higher efficiency systems. Also, horns like tubes, but do exceptional with dynamics and acoustical friendly applications!
Good luck