Soundsmith having Issues because of COVID

Don't know if there's any way to help but he posted this on AudioAsylum:

 I WISH I have the luxury of time, but with this virus and its effect on my many employees and my business surviving this, I unfortunately do not. I look forward as I have done for 50 years to help all my customers, no matter what level of cartridge they have bought - many times not even my designs. But time right now is the final frontier for me and my company. Sales are at ZERO and overhead/payroll continues as everyone is sheltered at home. We are in the epicenter. I sent everyone home 8 weeks ago.  

Well my other assumption is that correct argumentation should consist in refusal of the assumption, say, Nandric your assumptions
are not true because … (the arguments). I don't understand what
the fact that my English is not ''native English'' has to do with my
assumption. The same apply for my ''accusation''. Such ''arguments''
are called ''straw man'' arguments. One is not reacting with
arguments but by ascribing to the opponent some ''bad intentions''. 

sprititomusic, ''Meanings  are creature of darkness'' . I quote
American philosopher, logician and mathematician Quine.
What  you don't understand may be caused by unclear statement
from your opponent or by your inability to understand what
is stated. According to me you limited your argument to what
you self can understand. What kind of criterion is this? 

Did you really think that any of the items available in multiples and relatively easily accessible are made by one person?

There is, or at least was, a long video on youtube about Soundsmith. It might have been promotional, but it was informative, too. It took you through the Soundsmith office and all that. You could see the person assembling a cartridge, bins with parts, basically eveything. Employees were not hidden at all although the person talking the most and doing the least in that video was Mr. Soundsmith (Peter). For all I know, a person currently building a certain cartridge may be even better at that task than Mr. Soundsmith himself. Nothing wrong with that. He is the man behind the business and the face and name in front of it, but I do not expect him to have built every cartridge on the market. I do suspect he was involved in discussion and design of each of them.

Ok Nandric, my intention was honourable in drawing attention to my dislike of your inferences. But since you're happy to hide behind what I call "badge of honour" or "truth as a weapon" subterfuge, I'll come straight out w it.
You're inferring PLederman is being disingenuous in "claiming" he's laying off his employees, boo hoo, what a sad, sad story, etc, you say.
Indeed you're inferring he does all the work himself, or maybe minimal help at most. His story is confabulation or downright deceipt 
And that his sob story related here is subterfuge to generate sales.
You just can't say it as you really mean it, and hide behind ad hominem attacks on me for my choice of language.
So, I challenge you again.
You provide proof that your take is the correct take.
Otherwise I'll reasonably assume you're just another civilian throwing stones at greenhouses.
And for the record, I don't give two figs if Peter is laying on the story a bit thick.
He has commercial rents, state taxes, local taxes, sales taxes, insurances and utilities, and maybe some wages packages to cover. I do too w both my businesses at zero fee income.
So please, provide evidence Peter is lying or misleading us.
Or find another pastime. 
And please, no circular philisophical Gordian Knots from you. I've already untied the last one neatly.