Raul, you are correct, I may be ambiguous in my description of neutral/natural warmth. There are so many factors at play in setting the final sound of a system (power/vibration control/speed stability in a tt etc) that often component/accessory changes amount to the listener trying to alter tonal balance within a system.
So in my case, previously changing to BAT electronics led to excessive warmth, Krell to excessive sterility, the Hovland pre/pow led to an acceptable balance of what I call 'natural warmth'.
Similarly I struggle with SME/Clearaudio tts/Lyra Skala cart (too clinical), and Linn Sondek LP12/my previous Michell Orbe tt/SME V (too warm) and now my new tt/arm has an even tonal balance for me. The Salvation/Terminator are maybe the most uncoloured components I have in my system, and since it's getting harder to hear range of carts, I'm using people's comments to get to a shortlist of 3-5 carts that might work.
So far it is the Zu 103/Soundsmith OC/CL upgrades, revisiting my Transfig Orpheus, NOS MMs Astatic/Acutex etc (completely news to me as choices), Decca London Ref, Garrott P77i and Straingauge.
Btw, what are the phono stages of choice with all of you out there, esp. those promoting the 47k/100k options for NOS MM?
I have been recommended a NOS MM 'super' cart, the MF2500, any thoughts on this?
Regards to all.
So in my case, previously changing to BAT electronics led to excessive warmth, Krell to excessive sterility, the Hovland pre/pow led to an acceptable balance of what I call 'natural warmth'.
Similarly I struggle with SME/Clearaudio tts/Lyra Skala cart (too clinical), and Linn Sondek LP12/my previous Michell Orbe tt/SME V (too warm) and now my new tt/arm has an even tonal balance for me. The Salvation/Terminator are maybe the most uncoloured components I have in my system, and since it's getting harder to hear range of carts, I'm using people's comments to get to a shortlist of 3-5 carts that might work.
So far it is the Zu 103/Soundsmith OC/CL upgrades, revisiting my Transfig Orpheus, NOS MMs Astatic/Acutex etc (completely news to me as choices), Decca London Ref, Garrott P77i and Straingauge.
Btw, what are the phono stages of choice with all of you out there, esp. those promoting the 47k/100k options for NOS MM?
I have been recommended a NOS MM 'super' cart, the MF2500, any thoughts on this?
Regards to all.