Dear Spriritofmusic: Other than the seller I know no one with experiences on the Astatic MF-2500 and even I don't know if the seller already heard it and compare against the MF-200/300 that some of us support.
The Dgarretson link:
is for acartridge that have the same motor of the well regarded MF-200 where for a few dollars you can up date through Axel ( Germany ) re-tipping/refresh. This is very good option.
Now there are current MM/MI cartridges that are very good performers too, Garrot have a pair of models and the Virtuoso Wood by Clearaudio is very good too especialy after Axel's " touch. You can read something here about the Astatic and Clearaudio cartridges:
Regards and enjoy the music,
The Dgarretson link:
is for acartridge that have the same motor of the well regarded MF-200 where for a few dollars you can up date through Axel ( Germany ) re-tipping/refresh. This is very good option.
Now there are current MM/MI cartridges that are very good performers too, Garrot have a pair of models and the Virtuoso Wood by Clearaudio is very good too especialy after Axel's " touch. You can read something here about the Astatic and Clearaudio cartridges:
Regards and enjoy the music,