Source for tube shopping?

I'm in need of a dozen EL34s for my Cary V12. I'm going to go with the new issue Electro Harmonix tubes, largely because they seem to be well rated, they're reasonably priced, and I need a lot of them. I'm looking at three websites - Tube Depot; Antique Electronic Supply; and Amplified Parts - all of who offer matching services for the tubes at between $13-$15 per tube. Does anyone have any experience with any of these sites they could share, or do you have a recommended alternative? In a little bit of a rant, Cary wanted to charge $40 EACH for this same tube, which is some first-class gouging if I've ever seen it. Any experiences are appreciated.
I had a V12R and traded it in on a CARY CAD120's. I just got a new set of KT88's (an octet) Electro-Harmonics for 229.00 including shipping, and also got a rebate of 11.45 This was offered after the fact! I love the folks at Cary, but they do charge more. V12R's make great heaters in the winter also. Has anyone figured out "What is Lowballing?'' Yet. Just make sure to ask for a matched set. B&B tubes, in Champlain NY. I've also bought from Antique Electronic supply for a Cary SLP98P pre. Good luck.
Happy with Tube Depot.

Ordered numerous tubes and they helped with recommendations. In addition, they are a global business shipping tubes to other countries.

Upscale is also very good.
I have had great dealings with tube depot. They have even given me money back on tubes I did not like. Great company to deal with.
I sourced Winged C EL34s from Antique Electric Supply to re-tube a conrad johnson Premier V. I can’t necessarily fault AES - maybe the Winged Cs weren’t a good match - but I had too many failures to suit me.
Here's a link to Jim McShane's site. The tube listing page is a bit daunting but sending him a message at is your best bet.