Spades or bananas

Hi All,
Is there a real difference in sound between spades and bananas (lets say they are both WBT). I understand that spade will give better contact but is the difference audible?

There isn't going to be any difference if you use quality stuff like WBT. Just be careful, because while almost any spade will make a good connection if it's crimped and tightened properly, I've seen banana plugs that were pretty cheesy and wouldn't trust them as far as I can throw them.
David-the reason it wasn't scientific was the fact you kept taking off cloths to get an "unvarnished sound", and you felt silly because you woke up with a hang over and wearing your girlfriends underwear!!(and you weren't even drinking!) :) sorry I felt obligated to tell them all the truth. FWIW I use spades for piece of mind, I heard a bunch of manufacturer's making fun of people who use banana's, they even had some sort of anti-banana "song" so to speak and all knew the words and were singing it, though I think they may have been drinking :) I find that what the people say who make the gear tends to give the best results, as with most things, not exclusive to audio.
So if bananas tend to fall out how could this be called a good mechanical connection?The cable and the connector should all be one continuium and if possible the internal wiring of the speaker and the amp should be the same so as to have the same signature!
It doesn't need to be a good mechanical connection, it needs to be a good ELECTRICAL connection; there's a difference. You're flowing electrons, not water (although there were some idiotic water-filled cables on the market a few years back, maybe they need to be spade-terminated!). A large percentage of removable electrical connections are made with spring pressure, not screws. And the big advantage of spring-pressure contacts (including WBT bananas and the Neutrik Speakon connectors) is that they maintain consistent high contact pressure over time, and don't loosen due to thermal cycling, which is exactly what's needed for a good, reliable electrical connection. It's better than a thumb-tightened spade, and not any better or worse than a wrench-tightened spade, just different.
My bananas dont 'fall out' they are nice and snug.Im done with spades.Too much trouble.