I received my Raven preamp a week ago. I've got about 80 hours on it now.
It's great! I'm really digging the expanded tone colors, instrument textures, sense of space, and natural non-mechanical sound.
My system is all digital using a Holo May DAC into the Raven. My main amplification is via a pair of DIY First Watt M2 monoblocks. I also own a pair of Hypex Nilai 500 monoblocks that I have been using with the Raven. I am running balanced from Holo May to preamp, and then out single-ended out to the M2 monos. With the Nilai monos the system is fully balanced. My speakers are Pure Audio Project Quintet15 open baffles.
I'm finding that I'm listening more to whole albums, or parts of albums, instead of jumping around to different selected tracks and playlists of selected tracks. The music on the album sounds excellent, so I just keep going. This is how I used to listen to vinyl before I developed my unfortunately terminal record mold allergy.
I found out about the Raven from this thread a few months ago. I've had a checklist of features, getting larger over the years, that I wanted to see in a commercial vacuum tube preamp. The Spatial Audio Lab Raven amazingly met my requirements. I immediately ordered one.
More in my next post...