Spatial vs Pure Audio Project

I have been very interested in both of these open baffel designs.  Has anyone heard or compared these two brands? I am not sure which price range I would be buying in yet.  Anyone with any feedback good or bad please comment.
I heard the PAP Trio15s both with the Tang Band full range driver and the horn-loaded (Beyma I believe?) compression driver as well as the Spatial X2s at Axpona.  

Of the three the PAP with the horn was my favorite, followed by the X2, with the PAP with the Tang Band in the rear, it just didn’t have enough HF energy compared to the others, the treble felt prematurely rolled off and too soft.  

The other two were excellent, open, dynamic, articulate, the list goes on.  

Thanks for your feedback on the two brands.  I certainly need to hear the PAP horn loaded speakers.  From what I have read even the lower priced models from both brands represent a great value.
Keep them coming.


Wow, that's quite the review, he has me considering buying a pair now!  I wish they'd had a pair of their M3s or M4s at the show, as the pricing on those models is quite a bit more accessible than the X2.  The X2 also loses a woofer, and through Spatial claims extension down to 20hz on X2 models, they don't include the F3 point like they do with the M3 and M4, so who knows how far rolled off it is by 20hz.