Speaker cable help

Hello All,
I'm looking for some speaker cables in the $200-400 (used) range. If I had to put a finger on it I'd say my system was on the "bright" or "forward" end of things.
Musical Fidelity A308cr amp, Musical Fidelity A5 CDP, Belles 21A Pre, Spendor 9 speakers, Analysis Plus Crystal Oval interconnects. The British stuff tends to be pretty natural but the Belles really digs deep into the recordings and brings everything "up front".
Would a set of speakers cables that are more "distant" "reserved" or "coloring" help with the synergy? (With the idea of "softening" things up a bit? And if so, what are your recommendations?
Mmmmm, MFSL Chicago Transit Authority's one and only LP is groovin' in the next room. (Yea, you know they then became "Chicago" ..... what ever happened to them? After about their 4th LP the really took a dive, IMHO)
Thoughts & suggestions, oh great audiophiles!

Thanks, Greg

Showing 1 response by teajay

Greg, I would recommend you might put on your audition list a pair of Acoustic Zen Satori speaker wires that you could get for around $400.00 used, which is in your budget range. Their sound is not "fat/euphonic" but very smooth and musical and yet transparent with excellent extension on both ends. I believe they a great bargain when you figure in build quality, sonics, and price compared to other companies wires.