I am planning to upgrade my speaker cable and interconnect to the HIJIRI cables but budget is a constraint I can do one cable at a time.

So my friends which cable should be my first purchase the speaker cable or the interconnect.



Showing 6 responses by facten

The only thing that went by anyone's head is the fact that you don't understand the difference between making an accusation and providing proof to support an accusation. It's easy to state whatever one wants it's another thing if one is willing to back it up with evidence.

Yeah well, no one knows the potential other side of the story. I’ve purchased 3 sets of Tchnerov cables, 4 sets of Neodio B2 , as well as, a Neodio Origine S2 CD player from Colin/Gestalt Audio and there was no high pressure sales and he was a pleasure to interact with.

As expected, time to man up and you fell on your face. Find something new to whine about

"I’m not one to leave negative reviews on a dealer" , but yet you did; in fact this is the 2nd time you posted this. In the 1st (Tron thread) you also simultaneously attacked grannyring with no knowledge of why he decided, or maybe needed to sell the gear he previously spoke of as keepers.

Folks come on here from time to time with their side of the story which isn’t proof of anything in and of itself. It doesn’t mean that it didn’t happen as portrayed, but it also doesn’t prove that it did. So while you called him out I provided the opposite experience. Others can make their own decisions on purchasing from him.

You made this public so post your facts on here for everyone to see. Put up or shut up. Just the facts jack!

Paid full price for the cables & the B2s - all brand new.  Got a discount on the Neodio Origine S2 as I bought his demo model. Easy peasy. Sorry to disappoint your agenda

Comprehension is your problem, stating something as having occurred doesn't prove that it occurred, so back it up tough guy