Speaker cable recommendations

I have a tube preamp with SET tube amps. Currently my IC’s are Audio Sensibility Statement RCA’s. I’m looking for new speakers cable that are light, flexible and that would have synergy here. Budget under $1k

previously I’ve enjoyed Audio Sensibility and Cerious speaker cables, but they are too bulky and heavy. So maybe something with similar performance but thin and flexible. As I’ve been reading I’m thinking I’d like something with air dielectric. 

some options that have popped up could be
Grover Hoffman Pharaoh
Audio Envy SP12
Zenwave SL17

looking forward to sow ideas. 


Grover Huffman Pharoah speaker cables are in my reference system.  They are stellar performers.  Interestingly, I have never seen these cables on his website.  Grover recommended them to me in a conversation we had.

Might look at Decware ZFocus and Zwire cables. Lightweight and flexible designed for SET’s and breaking in nicely with my Omegas. Half your budget

Duelund DCA16. I used it with my 300b SET and Altec 604e.

I also have 20 years old Acrotec 1040 cable. I bought it bulk $100/1m. Acrotec sound a bit more refined but Duelund much more vivid, natural more musical.