Speaker Cables - 15 Ft. or "No Wife"

Due to the W.I.F.E. factor, I have to run my Manley 300Bs with 15ft speaker cable to my Coincident Super Eclipse speakers (the things we do to stay together). So, I am looking for a good speaker cable that: A) Will sound great at this 15ft length and B) Will not cost me more than $1000. I have to biwire, so please keep this in mind when making recommendations. And a D.I.V.O.R.C.E. is not an option... yet!
Get in touch with Robert Stein.
No, he is not a divorce lawyer, but head of the "Cable Company". He is very knowledgable. You can borrow several sets of cables and try them out in your setup. You'll have to pay shipping , that's all, if you don't like any of them.
The URL is www.fatwyre.com, e-mail: fatwyre@fatwyre.com.
Good listening AND happy marriage!
I use Audioquest for long runs. I've found solid core technology helps whenever I have to go with a smaller gage wire. I use a 10 ft run of Bedrock in the home theater. Very nice. Also, whatever wire you get, keep it out of site. She'll love you even more. :)
If your wife does business as Angela100 on agon, cut your losses and let her "know everything "liberal bigmouth ass go. Call priceline.com and get her a ticket to Siberia, with no web access.