Speaker Cables? why all the hype for expensive speaker wire?

After listening to many speaker cables, I am listening to basic 14 Gauge, high purity copper speaker wire and find myself shaking my head.  Does this basic speaker wire sound better than cables many times the price?  I am really starting to ponder that question.  I think I am hearing things on my records I never heard before and better balance of sound.  What are your thoughts?
...ah, yeah, we need names here.  I upgraded to Synergistic Research Foundation cables for speakers and for power to Golden Ear Triton One speakers with powered subs from standard Transparent 12-2 cables with bricks at the speaker end.
" Wow, now that’s a heaping bowl of word salad! "

  Well in an alternative universe my doppelganger writes clap trap for fine audio gear. Sometimes we have a partial mind meld.
  By the way, inquiring minds want to know why you left the word solipsism out of your quote
" I wonder if the astronomy folks get the same anger from their visually impaired members?   "
 Nope because the Astronomers can prove with science what they see.
Nope because the Astronomers can prove with science what they see. 

Ok genius, you see a light in the sky, I don’t. Prove to me “scientifically” you’ve seen it.