Speaker Cables? why all the hype for expensive speaker wire?

After listening to many speaker cables, I am listening to basic 14 Gauge, high purity copper speaker wire and find myself shaking my head.  Does this basic speaker wire sound better than cables many times the price?  I am really starting to ponder that question.  I think I am hearing things on my records I never heard before and better balance of sound.  What are your thoughts?
I don’t quite get the deaf audiophile society folks. Do they actually believe that by telling somebody there is no difference in cables, people are somehow going to "unhear" what they heard?

(That and the fact that they seem to think that the 1.8 GPA they managed to maintain throughout middle school somehow makes them qualified psychologists and ENTs.)

Scientific method states a hypothesis needs be developed to explain an observation. It does not say if you’re too ignorant to develop a suitable hypothesis, the observation is somehow false. There is not a single scientific law or model that says all cables will sound the same. There are thousands of observations over many decades that attest to cables sounding different.

While ignorance is clearly a requirement for membership of the deaf audiophile society, it does not prove all cables sound the same. 
Only  those who have owned a Kirby vacuum will know just what junk it is…..
and please no more inane car comparisons….team Consumer reports has yet to achieve a lap let alone a podium finish at Le Mans, etc….
but now that you mention it, the Kirby beater bar is belt drive with measurable wow and flutter…..shag makes it worse….