Speaker Choice for Almarro 318B

Guys, I'm a budding audiophile looking to jump up to tube amps after a few years with an Arcam/B&W integrated combo. I've become smitten with the Almarro 318B integrated tube amp and now I'm in the market for some affordable speakers that will suit the amp better than my B&W DM 602 S3 speakers. The room is approx 14'X 16', hardwood floors with a small area rug, celings are approx 10' high. Speakers will need to be placed close to the wall. I listen to an eclectic mix of music that veers from noise rock to experimental electro acoustic to HEAVY avant metal ala Sunn O))) to more traditional things like PJ Harvey and Radiohead. I'm in need of a good speaker recommendation. I've been looking into Green Mountain Audio Europas, Zu Tones, Gallo Ref 3.1s, and the Omega Super XRS speakers. Can anyone point me in the right direction here? If I had the cash I would get the GMA Callistos based on reputation, or the Zu Druids, but I don't think I even have the space for these speakers. I am leaning toward a used pair of Europas for $650 shipped. Should I take the plunge? Please help! I want a speaker that will be a noticeable step up from my current setup...Will the GMA Europas mix well with the Almarro 318B? Thanks!

Hi, just saw your post about your new Almarro M33a speakers....been looking at those myself, for my own 318B. Just wondering what your impressions are so far. Also, where did you purchase them from? I've seen them at audiomax-ltd.com, but that's the only US store I've seen them listed. I would like a pair and I'm wondering where I can find them and how much they'll set me back.
Also, where did you purchase them from? I've seen them at audiomax-ltd.com, but that's the only US store I've seen them listed. I would like a pair and I'm wondering where I can find them and how much they'll set me back.

I got my A318B from Brian Bowdle of Venus HiFi. Nothing but the highest praise for him, really focuses on customer service. He's got a lot of experience with the entire Almarro line of products.
Hi,I use a pair of 88db Devore Gibbons 8'S with the 318b with no problems.This amp seems to have a lot more power than it's 18 watt rating,imho.I would not rule some 88db spk's out.KPB
I've been busy, I'm afraid ... picked up the M33s from AudioMax ... fast, smooth transaction. Yes to Darkmoebius ... I used a Bailey sub with the SuperAbbys ... simply loved the sound with the A205A amp, perhaps a bit less so with the 318B, though I much prefer the 318 ... but I got tired of storing the crates and finally wanted to try something a bit smaller. I had been told that the Cain Wall-o-Sound was worth every penny, and I had also been told that the other Almarro speakers were speakers that deserved much more attention than they receive. My own web-searches led me to believe that the M33A's just might approach what the SuperAbbys could do musically, perhaps in large part because the Almarro's use dual full-range drivers ... and I have to say that even the first notes made it clear that I was going to be happy with these speakers ... and I am. Huge presence, immediate and fast, not at all thin, lots of upper extension and the bass, which I think Almarro pegs at 35Hz, doesn't leave me wishing for more. It probably does do a legit 35Hz. I once had Nautilus 804's and 803's, both of which were criticized for what some felt was "skimpy" bass reproduction (I didn't quite agree but clearly understood), but these Almarro's offer sufficient bass, much more enjoyable than what the B&W's offered, and everything is enhanced by the full-range driver effect (the M33A's) ... continuity, integration yet great definition and detail. Since these are dual full-rangers without a crossover, they're very much like single-driver speakers. I think I bought the last pair that AudioMax had at that time. Odds are high that I'll be selling them soon, as well as the Almarro, but only because I've got my eyes on another motorcycle that's going to require some serious dollars.
Finally got around to putting the finishing touches on my office rig (see Free Trade Fidelity listed my System) where my Almarro is paired with Aurum Cantus V3Ms and running a REL R305 sub in tandem.

Needless to say that I'm thrilled with the sound ... especially after rolling the input tubes with NOS Mullards. Sound is crystal clear and yet very sweet. Bass, in particular, is quite impressive - tight, quick, and nicely weighted. I was concerned that the ribbon tweeters in the V3Ms might be a bit harsh, but this wasn't the case - just pure detail without any hint of fatigue - I suppose the Mullards contributed mightly here.

10-10:30 on the dial which is plenty loud and I agree with Beragamo that their is no need to rule out the A318B with speakers of moderate efficiency as there seems to be more than sufficient power on hand.
