Speaker for nearfield listening?

I am looking to get some feedback from members on speakers that are best for nearfield application. I am at about six feet at my listening position. I have a pair of Nola Boxers and they sound great except the imaging could be more convincing. I think they would be better if my position could be a little farther back. Any suggestions for speakers that would sound better at 6 feet?

Showing 1 response by kixo

You might audition speakers that have a single driver, like the Audience The One. They resolve beautifully at close distances.

Speakers from Harbeth and Spendor that are designed as nearfield monitors are also a good choice.

Finally, I had a pair of Totem Arros that I listened to from about six feet distance, and their imaging was spectacular. This speaker is known for its ability to create a soundstage in a small environment.