Speaker match for PrimaLuna Dialogue Premium HP Integrated?

Hey Guys,
Wondering about speaker match for PrimaLuna Dialogue Premium HP Integrated.
Using KT150 and Mullard CV4003. So maybe 50 watts in triode and 100 watts in ultralinear.
Don't like ultralinear much. (GeorgeHiFi linked some curves showing ringing in ultralinear:
Setup is in a small room currently. Had used Revel F206 (which I still have) and now Zu Druid MK IV.
Revels sound pretty good but I don't think they show their best with limited tube power.
Plenty of power for the Druid, and it sounds pretty good but response curve seems uneven to me.
So Revel nice response curve but a little tame. Druid pretty lively/ fun but uneven tonal balance.
Anyone have a particular favorite speaker match up for that amp in the $3K-$5K range?

@aniwolfe I double-checked the reviews, and the HP integrated does not seem to have the issues cited in the previous thread. The Dialogue Premium amp has the issues (not the HP, it appears that the HP amp has not been reviewed by Stereophile):


The integrated HP has a significantly lower output impedance and flat tops and bottoms of square waves in the testing:


The HP integrated has received a lot of positive reviews, and I don’t recall any commenting on brightness, which is why you might consider looking elsewhere in your system for the issue.

Just my 2 cents, Scott
Sorry for creating confusion re: measurements for HP vs HP integrated. I kinda assumed they would be about the same so I misrepresented what George had said on a different thread.
Thank you for providing the correct measurements.
I guess I would say that ultralinear sounds pretty forward / edgy with the Zu.
Probably has something to do with the bump at 2K-4K Hz that Kenny mentioned. With the Revel, ultralinear mode sounds more acceptable, but still a little forward / edgy maybe. Gonna take a look at some of the speakers suggested.
@stereo5, Had been thinking Triton 2+. Actually had those with this amp and it sounded pretty amazing. But I decided off axis with the ribbon tweeter was a problem, so I swapped for the Revel. Kinda wish I still had the Tritons.


If you haven't found a pair of speakers within the next 6 weeks, get back to me.  I am waiting for my GE Triton Reference speakers and will be selling my Triton Twos (not the +) at that time.  I am thinking around the 1500 range.

Would consider that.
Where are you located?
I am in San Diego area.