Speaker Placement and Toe-In

I just spent hours moving my Sopra 2’s with them sitting on the Townshend’s podiums #3. I kept intense measurements. My speakers are 115" from the woofer center to the other speaker woofer. I am sitting at that same distance from the L&R speakers’ middle centerline. They are 37" from the sidewalls to the sidewalls of the speaker.

I used one of those air bladder wedges that are used for lifting car doors and lifted each leg individually of the Townshend podium just enough to slide a furniture mover/disc under each leg.

What I found is that I prefer no Toe-In. That is, I prefer the speakers straight out into the room.

At least at this moment I am content.



ideal speaker placement is room specific, speaker specific, non transferable i-p among users, as important is proper placement is for any specific user

+1 @holmz on saying a lot about the room. I started a similar a similar thread last month on this as well that some of you contributed to. 

@ozzy How wide is your room, how far apart are the speakers, and what’s your listening distance? The fact that you have the sopras set up with no toe in means they need to be close enough together to create a coherent center image while also reflecting beneficially off the walls to provide a wide soundstage. This is fairly difficult to achieve in many rooms using no toe in, but when possible, it is incredible. 

So many great responses thank you. My room has been treated extensively. My room is 27 x 17 x 8. Three of the walls have exterior concrete. All of the walls and ceiling were made with separate studding and with 1/2" drywall with insulation behind them.

I have large 20" diameter tube traps in the corners and 7 Stillpoint Aperture ll’s located at the center and on the walls along with other wall treatments. Also, I have acoustic ceiling tile that is glued and stapled to the drywall. The speakers are 55" out from the back wall to the back of the speakers and are 37" from the wall side to the side of the speaker.

The wall behind my seating position is about 8 feet away and has a rack that holds over 6000 cd’s.

I was always under the impression that speakers should be toed in to dial in the soundstage. Obviously and to my surprise, with my room, speakers, equipment that is not the case.


Oh, BTW, the air bladders were purchased from Amazon. A very useful tool when needing to move (lift) large heavy speakers (on stands) with the help of the furniture sliders.


The general recommendation for my speakers Sonus Faber Amati Traditional)  is to the “cross the beams” 18” behind the sweet spot. In my room that causes a very restricted soundstage. They sound best with no toe in, just like yours,