Speaker recomendation

I just bought a second home and the room where the new system will go is quite large (60’x20’) with a wall of windows.  I’m looking for a pair of speakers that will be more for listening in position close to the system but that can still move enough air for when we have lots of people over.  Budget is about $10-15K for an amp and speakers.  I have a Moon 340i but fear it doesn’t have enough power to move the speakers I’ll get.  I was thinking about Golden Ear reference but my wife and I are more classical and jazz listeners and these are better for rock?  Suggestions appreciated!
Steve you miss the point, of course we are saslesman, we run an active retail shop that is not the point.

There are really two kinds of dealers, one that sticks to a particular brand year in and year out because they believe in that brand, and they may or may not be actively pursuing new and immerging brands,  and other dealers that have a staple of products that they identify with and endorse, but who are  also actively pursuing new products to be able to offer their clients, what they feel  is the best possible performance for the price.

In the last few years we added, ATC, Quad S and Z series dynamic loudspeakers, Elac, Legacy and Rethem to our longstanding brands Kef, Dali, Paradigm, and PSB.

We moved into those brands because in each of their price ranges these products were bringing some unique attributes to the table.

As per $15k being value shopping depends on your perspective, if a $15k speaker blows away a $25k one then it is a value.

The man has a huge room which requires large high output speakers.

You also miss the point that yes there are older good speakers like the Conincidents but where can the OP hear them? Many people do not like to buy and sell and pack and ship it is time consuming and not fun.

Not to mention shipping large and heavy speakers is expensive and a complete pain,  and you also forgot that sometimes older drivers are not availible  and an older speaker may be diffiult to get serviced.

Unless you are going really old most of the much less expensive speakers systems will not play loud enough to pressurize that size of room.

Like it or not the Legacy’s Focus model is one of the few under $20k sets of speakers that will do the job, same thing with Tekton and Golden Ear which is why we mentioned all of those brands and other then Tekton you may be able to demo a Legacy and Golden Ear has many dealers.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ

There are a ton of speakers out there that charge a whole bunch of money for a box of nothin.... or very little. 

Legacy Signature, Focus or Aeris are all 3 excellent and would take care of that area quite well. 
Peter chimed in from PBN... I have studied Peter's designs and can tell you that he is beyond a competent designer,  his speakers are well thought out,  crossover slopes, phasing, time alignment, parts quality etc.  I have zero reservation in recommending PBN.   In fact, the 2 model below the model that Peter posted would also do a good job.  PBN is certainly worth a phone call as well as Legacy. 

I would also suggest Tannoy Prestige speakers as already suggested here, but i dont think it fits your budget. You may otherwise want to consider the new Legacy series with the Arden, bearing a full range DC driver of 15" that will produce ample and dynamic sound. In your budget, the best recommendation from my experience that I can make and often make in such forums is the XTZ Divine Alpha. It has power, smoothness, totally full range, balanced, very fine details, high end rivers, incredibly robust and beautiful construction, flexibility of tuning and also going active... it is a marvelous speaker in many ways but not well known in the US where such stuff is often not even looked at for reasons escaping my understanding (I am not from the US). Maybe the representation is not good. Anyway, I own high end and very high end gear, and can tell you this one is sadly missed by many audiophiles that dont even know their existence. As for amps, it is maybe a less personal equipment, so many could do fine, but going XTZ way requires some power. I would go for well preserved second hand amps to have better quality for your budget and still many years of enjoyment. Bryston 7B3 is a dream on them, or some Pass as well, or Benchmark AHB2, or Magtech... they are not fussy of amp nature, but just need some juice when you want to push! 
All the best
@hddg thank you!  I will look into the XTZ as I've not heard of them before.  I'm leaning towards the Avantgarde XD Zero right now as they seem to do a lot right for my space but haven't had the chance to listen to them yet.