Speaker recommendation

I’m looking to buy a speaker in the $4000-5000 range. I was very impressed with the GoldenEar Trton 1 speaker I heard at a friend’s house, and I know the Tekton DI is very well thought of on this forum.
 I listen to mostly classical music, some Diana Krall and the like, and also big band music.
Any other suggestions?
The quest is over!
 I’m really thrilled with the sound of these Tritons.
The synergy with the rest of my equipment is terrific.
I can just sit back and enjoy the music!

There's a brand new pair of PSB T3's on the 'gon today that I'm pretty sure you could get for 5K, but I guess that's now moot.

We all have different ears, I guess.  I auditioned the Triton 2's a while ago, against B&W 702's, and to me the B&W's sounded a lot more sophisticated and timbrally "right".

I think synergy is the big thing.  In my listening, the B&W’s sounded puny in comparison to the Tritons.  I’m employing them with a  Conrad-Johnson tube preamp which really makes me them sing, and a 160w per channel amp driving them. The built-in subwoofer also sets them apart.
Honestly, it’s some of the best sound I’ve heard anywhere.
Hi again. I wasn’t recommending the B&W’s, they just happened to be the other speakers in the room with the GE’s. And yes, the GE’s would be much more authoritative in the bass. But as I said earlier, to me the viola sounded way more like a viola and an oboe way more like an oboe through the B&W’s. That being said, I’d heard before a particularly since quite a number of brands/models that I preferred quite significantly over the B&Ws, though yes, unfortunately, they do all end up being more expensive. The Vienna Acoustics Beethoven Baby Grand is a beautifully voiced speaker, but unfortunately not particularly full in the bass. The Concert Grand strangely doesn’t seem to have the same magic. And the Lizsts which are great are very expensive.
Yes, I agree the B&W ‘s are indeed precise. Quite good speakers.
The GoldenEar’s also are precise and have the advantage of the subwoofer.