speaker recommendation 2500 or less small room

I am new to the high end audio world and need some advice. I am a law student so money is a big issue and more than likely I will be buying used. Currently I have a set of Infinity IL60s that have blown the amps several times and I am tired of dealing with Infinity. I would like something that is well put together. I normally don't listen to my music loud. I am set up in a small room with only about 8' to the speakers so I need something that will not be picky about placement as they will be close to the back wall as well. This is also the room where I study so a speaker that has a spacious sound would be a big plus, I don't normally stay in the "sweet spot" to terribly long. I like the sound of the B&W CM7. I mention this to indicate what kind of sound I am looking for. Basically if there is anything that anyone can recommend that meets this list of hopeful options I will be very grateful. There is not really not a big selection to listen to around here so if anyone could suggest something that is for sale on this forum that would be seriously awesome. Sorry for the long post, but I have spent a great deal of time reading reviews and opinions and feel more lost now than I did a few months ago.

My current set up

Harman Kardon AVR 325 for the pre amp
McIntosh MC 300
Sony ES cd player
First I would like to thank everyone for there response. Secondly, I would like to know what to expect from an upgrade to the pre amp. And sense I am using a Mc solid state, would I be better off choosing a tube or solid state. Will a smaller speaker sound better at lower volume than a very large speaker.

Please explain "This is a big part of the problem; often voltages are mismatched between pre-amp and amplifier and no synergy."

Also the amp is new so it will not be replaced for a long time to come.
Hi, sorry for not explaining more and on my part. Sometimes when the input sensitivity between amp and pre-amp is not equal the products won't act in sync.

I have a friend who purchased and tried several pre-amps with his modified ss amps. I was wondering why when he tried Edge, Linear, my previous Bel Canto Pre3 pre-amp he was not getting the results he wanted. I felt for him and told him what I was thinking and he later found something; however he almost gave up in anger and frustration not to mention a shit load of money and time.

Often matching manufacturers pre & power eliminates these issues and then there are other times you will find a manufactures equipment will blend equally, as well, with others, as with it's own. Check the voltage between the two if your not getting the desired result.

One more example: Reviewer recommends product "A" that works with his equipment and he is in awe of the experience.
Person can't listen to that item anywhere around him so he purchases it. He get item "A" shipped to him plugs it in with his gear; not impressed. Gives item "A" some break in ; still no fire works! Panick and buyers remorse settles in and makes a couple calls and listens, yet same results. This is a lot more common than you think and is system matching; avoid the marry-go-round.

This was mentioned in the best interest of not falling into this senario. Some extra ammunition in case some thing comes up.



Energy Veritas kicks butt! Linear, fast, wide dispersion, musically involving, devoid of boxy resonances. I agree. One of the Veritas floorstanders got pretty high up on S'phile's Recommended list, but they all should have been there.