Speaker recommendation thread (Organised by tiers of price)

The aim of this thread is to create a list of speakers that people enjoy and recommend and to organise the speakers into a list based on their MSRP. Please recommend speakers that you have personally heard or own and enjoy. I will add the names of the users who recommend a speaker next to the speaker name (and if someone already recommended the speaker you had in mind please feel free to recommend it again because I will add your name as well).

Please feel free to include gear that was used to listen to your recommendation and some impressions (although you do not have to).

This list may be useful to new buyers to get a general sense of popular models to help guide what to audition during the purchase process.

[Under $1000]




Pardigm Persona 9H @smodtactical


Magico M2 @smodtactical



[Over $200,000]
Post removed 
[Under $1000]
Dali Oberon series: @audiotroy
Kef Q 550: @audiotroy
Kef Q 750: @audiotroy
Quad S1: @audiotroy
Audioengine 2: @kacomess
Buchart S400: @mrdon
Mark Audio Sota CestiB: @dseltz
Wharfedale diamond 225: @audioguy85
Omega Super 3i Monitors: @melvinjames

Tekton Pendragons: @technick
Quad S4: @audiotroy
Quad S5: @audiotroy
Quad Z3: @audiotroy
Qaud Z4: @audiotroy
Kef R 5: @audiotroy
Kef R 7: @audiotroy
Revel F208: @hemi04
Dynaudio Special 40: @bwaterme, @manorsessions
Harbeth C7es3: @biscorbit
Magnepan LRS: @kacomess
Vandersteen 2C: @kacomess
Emerald physiscs KCII: @tweak1
Paradigm Prestige 15B, 75F, 85F, 95F: @mtdining
Revel Performa 3 M106: @plinytheelder
Watkins Stereo Generation 4: @lightin

Golden Ear Tritron 1R: @audiotroy
Dali Rubicon 6: @audiotroy
Dali Rubicon 8: @audiotroy
Legacy Signatures: @audiotroy
Paradigm Persona 3F: @audiotroy
Kef Ref 1: @audiotroy
ATC SCM 19: @audiotroy
SCM 40: @audiotroy
Dynaudio C1 Confidence Platinum: @manorsessions

Pardigm Persona 5F: @audiotroy
Kef Reference 3: @audiotroy
Kef Reference 5: @audiotroy
Dali Epicon 8: @audiotroy
Wilson Sabrina: @mtdining
Kaya 45: @mtdining
Wilson Yvette: @audiotroy, @mtdining
Rethm Saadhana: @dseltz
Dynaudio C4 Confidence Platinum: @manorsessions

Legacy Aeris: @audiotroy
Kef Blades: @audiotroy
Sonus Faber Amati: @pfank12

Pardigm Persona 9H: @smodtactical, @audiotroy
Vimberg (model?): @audiotroy
Wilson DAW: @audiotroy, @mtdining
Egglestonworks Vigniti: @liamowen

Magico M2: @smodtactical
Dynaudio Evidence Platinum: @manorsessions
Wilson Alexxia 2: @mtdining


Wilson Alexia: @audiotroy, @mtdining

[Over $200,000]
Kharma (which model?): @audiotroy
Wilson WAMM: @mtdining

not having read the complete thread, one should be aware that right after digital tech, speaker tech moves along rather quickly.

meaning each year there will be new contestants, or new itterations of whatever past models as many are revised often.

I suggest annual, or keeper speaker lists, segregated by price and or type, i.e., monitors, high eff, floor standing, active, etc.

I do get the thinking behind developing this topic, but to do it justice so those seeking particular types don't have tos lug through a littany of unrelated  versions, more segregation is needed.

as such, each thread will then take care of itself.

well, for a year or so, or until a posted itteration see's its update orexclusion. from the line

Threads on Keeper speakers or desert island sorts however  will remain endlessly without need for constant management.

in fact, as subjective as is this hobby and given its wealth og applications and varied  arrangements, threads on 'forever' speakers is as good a place to look for new ideas speakerwise, as any more specific supposed ongoing all inclusive posting.

One thing I learned from all this:  I need to start hanging out with @audiotroy ;)