Speaker recommendations for Primaluna

I was wondering if I could get some feedback from fellow Primaluna owners regarding speakers. I am currently running Totem Sttafs with my DiaLogue Premium integrated amp and want to upgrade. I am not unhappy with the Totems - they are a great value IMO, but it's time for a bit of an upgrade. My budget for speakers is around $6,000.

Just curious to see what others have evaluated by way of speakers and what you ended up with.
Ag insider logo xs@2xgreginnh
I am not familiar with the Totems, but I am running Acoustic Zen Adagios with my Primaluma Dialogue Premium Integrated. Sounds great!
Thanks Mabonn,

I auditioned a whole bunch of speakers over the weekend. Ended up with a pair of used B&W 803 Diamonds.
If you like Totem, I think a pair of Hawks would work nicely. They are very nice speakers.
I thoroughly enjoyed my Merlin VSM-MMi speakers with my Primaluna Dialogue Premium (I have since switched amps, but still have my Merlins). A used pair of Merlin VSMs would be in your price range. The combination was quite good. I like the Totem sound as well and have a pair of their bookshelf speakers in my second system.