Speaker sensitivity vs SQ

My first thread at AG.

Millercarbon continues to bleat on about the benefits of high sensitivity speakers in not requiring big amplifier watts.
After all, it's true big amplifiers cost big money.  If there were no other factors, he would of course be quite right.

So there must be other factors.  Why don't all speaker manufacturers build exclusively high sensitivity speakers?
In a simple world it ought to be a no-brainer for them to maximise their sales revenue by appealing to a wider market.

But many don't.  And in their specs most are prepared to over-estimate the sensitivity of their speakers, by up to 3-4dB in many cases, in order to encourage purchasers.  Why do they do it?

There must be a problem.  The one that comes to mind is sound quality.  It may be that high sensitivity speakers have inherently poorer sound quality than low sensitivity speakers.  It may be they are more difficult to engineer for high SQ.  There may be aspects of SQ they don't do well.

So what is it please?

So building a dead box.... cuts output..,,

shall we go on ?

the big baffle can be thought of as a 2D horn ....

Also don’t confuse low sensitivity with a poorly engineered load ( bizarre phase angles, super low impedence, etc... 

or a bunch of series / parallel connections....
Encouraging to see at least some get it. Not surprised at all to see the O P does not.

Maybe because it helps to want to understand? People who want to understand tend to say things like so and so says. People who want to argue, instead of says which is neutral and true they say things like bleats which is insulting and demeaning. This may be from learning by bad example or could be they resort to insults because they don’t have an argument. Either way it’s an insult not an argument.

Others here are in love with tech talk. There’s definitely a place for that but I prefer whenever possible to stick with good solid practical advice. It may be at times hard to understand why it works but it does in fact work and therefore is practical. Useful. All these useless pie in the sky fantasy questions the OP is asking, "why?" Can be argued endlessly.

My advice is simple: exclude from consideration speakers less than 92dB sensitivity.

Don’t read into that facts not in evidence. Not saying buy high sensitivity. Not saying they all sound great. Not saying low sensitivity speakers sound worse. Not saying there is any correlation at all between sensitivity and sound quality. Not saying anything other than exactly what I already said: building a really good high end system is hard enough already. Don’t make it harder than it has to be.
So the story usually goes like this.

Back when tube-based amplification was the only option, and most tube amps were really low powered, designing speakers with high sensitivity was the only way to go--there was simply no alternative if you wanted to reproduce voice or music.

With the advent of transistors, and then ever "cheaper" watts, designers started creating lower sensitivity speakers.  Think Thiel, Apogee, and a bunch of others.  It's reasonable to assume that they had specific design goals that led them in this direction, and that it wasn't the result of a lack of effort on their part.

The renaissance of tube amplification has seen a similar movement among suitable speakers, so nowadays there are plenty of options for everybody.  Of course, it's preposterous to rule out all speakers under a certain sensitivity.

Another major factor here is impedance; speaker sensitivity doesn't exist in some kind of electro-acoustic vacuum.  A certain well-known brand makes speakers with 86dB sensitivity but about an average 12 ohm impedance.  Go figure.

The long and the short is: find the speaker first that most pleases you, then find the right amp to drive it.  This advice has already been repeated many times over on this forum.